
Showing posts from 2014

2014 Season Roundup

    2014 has been an interesting year for me both in terms of mountain biking and my life in general. How one performs during a single season usually depends on how the previous season ended so that seems like a good place to begin this blog.      I finished last season with the Youth Inter-regional Mountainbike Championships in Essex. Results were very mixed for me as I had managed to pull myself together after 4 weeks of on and off riding due to illness. Following this I set out to build endurance over the winter so that I could start training for racing early on in 2014. The off-season training went pretty well for me with my first National race at Codham Park being strong for the first two laps until a nutritional mistake led me to bonk for the remaining laps. This did however prove that the training had payed off and I grew in confidence which I had lacked pre race.     Later on in spring I took part in the Midlands' ...

Platinum Award - Young Volunteers

   Having recently completed my Gold British Cycling Young Volunteers award I am now working towards my Platinum Award by taking part in 36 hours of coaching and also 5 blog posts about my volunteering experiences. You can read these posts h ere .

Planet X Spitfire

   Hi. Welcome to my first ever post. Here I will be talking about my latest ride on my new Planet X Spitfire.  My Spitfire setup     First a bit of background information on the frame and forks. Jamie Burrow, former Junior Road World Champion and designer for Planet X drew up the blue prints for the Spitfire and with his experience and knowledge designed a very fast and agile racing bike. After these designs had been given the all clear Sarto, the bike manufacturing company based in Italy designing and building high quality custom fit frames for racing, got to work building 12 of these new frames, one of which Jamie Burrow rode to victory in the Maratona dles Dolomites . This proved that this frame had lots of potential and so a lot of work was been done to further develop and finish up the frame for retail.    My latest ride on the Spitfire was a steady 50 mile morning ride around Cheshire as I had to be in school lat...